Various extension efforts to popularize the technologies:
Extension activities are basic and proven methods, for attracting attention, arousing interest, leading farmers to have successful experiences with new ways and of doing things that are an improvement over the old practices. KVK has organized different extension activities to popularize the various new and latest technologies to the farming community, which includes field days, exhibitions, kisan melas, dissemination of technologies through radio, TV and news papers, conducted method demonstrations, published new technologies in the form pamphlets, folders, books etc., organized exposure visits to different agricultural institutes, research stations, progressive farmers fields etc. to update their knowledge.
S.No |
Extension activity |
Number |
1 |
Field days |
08 |
2 |
Exhibitions |
06 |
3 |
Kisan Gosthi/Mela |
05 |
4 |
Radio talks |
19 |
5 |
Field diagnostic visit |
43 |
6 |
Film show |
06 |
7 |
Method demonstrations |
18 |
8 |
Exposure visits |
03 |
9 |
News paper coverage |
120 |
10 |
Articles published |
07 |
11 |
Books/ Bulletins published |
01 |
12 |
Literature developed (pamphlets, folders etc) |
12 |
13 |
Advisory Services |
50 |
13 |
Group discussions |
11 |